Jack Petranker

Saying Yes to Experience

Saying Yes to Experience July 17-22, 2022 Ratna Ling Retreat Center Learn how to activate the radical immediacy available within our ordinary experience. We are pleased to offer this summer retreat at Ratna Ling Retreat Center in Sonoma County, one

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American Dharma: Buddhism Beyond Modernity

Jack Petranker interviews Ann Gleig for the New Books Network. With Buddhism entering the mainstream of American society, it inevitably encounters the cultural and social forces that make ours a postmodern society. Ann Gleig’s new book traces out the multifaceted ways

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The Present Moment

The Present Moment Tricycle | Winter 2014 The “present moment” is on everyone’s lips nowadays. But do we really know what we mean by it? The philosophers of antiquity help us get underneath the cliché. In the history of Buddhism,

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